(read on own, sea of trolls, 45 min)
main lesson:
copy work:
"Harvest", by Maria de Havas (third verse)
"when the corn is fully ripened
then the harvest has begun
reaping, binding, on the stubble
stacking sheaves beneath the sun"
*math & grammar practice book, with riddle
*nature study challenge, outdoor hour...
we spent our hour cleaning our garden remnants & adding mulch
lesson b:
form drawing, the pocket guide to knots, overhand knot, p.38
tuesday, october 20th
(read on own, sea of trolls, 45 min)
main lesson:
*copywork: "it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
*math & grammar practice book, with riddle
*math review, review multiplication facts via "math concentration" game. try for pairs as with regular concentration, but each player multiplies the two cards together that they turn over, whether a match or not.
*introduce & explore improper fractions, om grade 4 math book, p. 103-105
project: origami picture frames
lesson b:
handwork, continue embroidery
wednesday, october 21st
(read on own, sea of trolls, 45 min)
*copywork: "laughter is the best medicine."
*math & grammar practice, with riddle
*math review, continue to review multiplication facts via "math war".
just like regular war, but with a math twist. whichever player turns over the highest card must correctly add the facts together, if correct, keeps the trick, if incorrect, cards are moved to bottom of deck
*introduce & explore equivalent fractions, om, p. 107-112
lesson b:
baking, vegetable chips
thursday, october 22nd
(read on own, sea of trolls, 45 min)
main lesson:
*copywork: "life is what you make it."
*math & grammar practice book, with riddle
*math practice, number concentration, cont. w/multiplication...
*continue work with equivalent fractions ,
*practice problems,om grade 4 math book, p. 107-112
lesson b:
painting day, paint belly cast
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