Wednesday, October 21, 2009

grade 1, block I: letter introduction (week 3)

monday, september 28th

main lesson:
*form drawing, "wave running form"

*introduce with a short story,
we actually sang "the ants go marching one by one (hurrah, hurrah!)"

lesson b:
*nature study challenge, #4

we finished our "michaelmas star balls", the boys wanted brighter colors, so we used kool-aid

and it was a gorgeous & blustery day in western north we flew kites.

it is a bit frustrating to do here. there are so many trees that the winds come from all directions. but the boys kept at it and we had a few good runs. i had to forgo the picture taking to help out though. :)

tuesday, september 29th (Michaelmas)
*we started the day off with a longer than usual walk, relishing the first signs of autumn

main lesson:
*tell story, part #3
introducing mountain, door, and "e" (eeeeehhhh)

*make a picture, misty mountains with a door that opens (and a gold star, for the letter 'e' earned)

*lesson b:
handwork, continue working with knitting mushroom

wednesday, september 30th
main lesson:
(recall story, part #3)

*this week's letter picture was our project yesterday, so we modeled with beeswax for michaelmas. aydin made the dragon...

lesson b:
baking, dragon bread!

thursday, october 1st

main lesson:
(recall story, part #3)
*write short summary togetherThe prince mastered his fear.
st. michael & the dragon, of course...

lesson b:
*handwork, finish with knitting mushroom.
aydin decided that his 'rope' would be an eel...

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