these photos of our sweet baby chicks were taken on may 2nd...enjoy!
(i also threw in a few random shots for good measure...:)

this was taken when we first started letting them out into the tractor part-time (out in the day & into the brooder again at night)

our friend randy & our sweet chicks...

i am the egg, er...bird man...

the lot of them...6 ameraucanas & 5 speckled sussex...

our sweet ehren...binoculars work much better with dandelions atop them!

a pair of felted shoes that our firend jenny gave us when ehren was just baby...his FAVORITE shoes EVER! though we finally had to retire them...too small, but he would insist on wearing them anyway.
after sweing up *new* holes weekly, i finally had to just pack them away. perhaps i can mend them well enough for bebe to wear them...

simply gorgeous...
These chickens are so cute! Ours are about 10 weeks old now and growing so fast:)