Tuesday, June 22, 2010

chickens, gardens & the squids...

here are a few random, but nonetheless lovely photos from our past few weeks...enjoy!

the chicks, now 3 months old, in their chicken tractor...
a toad we discovered while weeding in the garden...

evyn, our 15 month old, is half rabbit, i think! we weed for 1 hour each week (tuesday is gardening day, you know) and she keeps herself busy nibbling on this & that until we are through...i love it!

more love for the toad...

what odes a toad feel like, mommy??

evyn is intrigued by this little warty creature... ;)

blueberries bushes...you might notice that they are picked clean (this would be evyn's work as well)
tomatoes & okra...

hunting down the baby chicks in their "fort" (aka our mountain of lemon balm)...

aha! there they are!...

6 ameraucana & 4 speckled sussex...

they absolutely love it in there...
sibling love...
happy gardening!

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