Tuesday, February 16, 2010

grade 1, block IV: four processes (week 2)

monday, january 11th

main lesson:

*introduce gnome add with story

*have little sacks or baskets filled (randomly) with nuts/gems...see who are in the various number families.

ex. 10= 1 + 3 + 6; 2 +5 +3; 8 + 1 +1

*for snack we shared a bowl of popcorn with orin & ehren. we got out four little tubs & counted handfuls as we filled each.

*write #11-20 on chalkboard
aydin is funny...i asked him to write number 11-20, but he insisted on starting at 1. when it comes to school he almost always insists on doing more than i have asked.

*read aloud with mama, 15 min, "frog & toad are friends"

*nature study... family outside time

lesson b:
form drawing: p. 6, figure 12
tuesday, january 12

main lesson:
(recall story)

*draw picture in main lesson book of gnome add
*back to work with counting...count to at least 20/50

*bring out gnome share (divide) & work with base 10 (10, 20, 30, etc)
divide can divide the jewels/nuts into piles of 10, gnome add can add up the piles (counting by both 1's & 10's)
*read aloud with mama, 15 min, "frog & toad are friends"

lessons b:
handwork, make our gnome friends...(those we have met & those we have yet to meet)
wednesday, january 12th

main lesson:
(recall work)

*introduce '+' sign, and add to drawing of gnome add in main lesson book

*draw in rice, make with jewels, etc...draw in main lesson book

*more exploration of counting & addition

lesson b:
baking, homemade granola
thursday, january 13th
main lesson:
(recall week's work)

*continue working with +; create little number adventures with friends
ex. we got out five friends and a pile of 45 jewels, aydin & i took turns giving them each random amounts of nuts & then we would count each pile...then we would gather all the nuts back into one big pile & 'see' if we still had our same 45 nuts.
*pick favorite to draw in main lesson book
*copy verse into main lesson book
"one two three
look at me
add is my name
i count all the same!"
we also made a batch of brownies & shared them with a friend who just had her 5th baby. :) we got out two tubs & counted out even amounts for each of our families...

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