Monday, December 28, 2009

snow, part #2...

i find it hilarious that the last line on my post about our big snow was "so long as our power stays on".

i could not actually publish that post until recently because our power went off as i was going to post it. :) literally...

it went out around 6:30/7pm friday, the 18th, and didn't come back on until that sunday around 3pm. we figure it was out for a good 44+ hours...

it actually wasn't that bad...(and could have been a lot worse!)

however, if it had stayed off any longer though it would have been rough, as we have electric heat & an electric well pump. they say that the storm caused about 50,000 homes to lose power, and lots were off longer than, you will not hear me complaining at all!

here are a few of the highlights...

lance & ehren snuggling...

board games by candlelight...

mmm...popcorn (thank goodness for a gas stove!)

ahh...the martinmas lantern finds itself again in use...:)

melting down snow to drink & flush toilets, wash dishes, etc...
not so fun, as 6-gallon buckets of (packed) snow melts down to about 4"...

my favorite?? grinding our coffee beans with a mortar & pestle...

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