Thursday, May 21, 2009

Busy But Balanced, by Mimi Doe, has been calling to me from the bookshelf for a couple of months now. it was recommended to me by several mamas when i inquired about "mindful parenting" books.

it is "a year-long balance guide", organized seasonally to follow the natural rhythms of our lives. each months begins with a list of ideas to help you connect deeper with your family or a quiz to provide insight into our current state of balance. then come weekly thoughts for us to focus on, practical tips & even resources.

i plan on posting a thought per week...

this week's food for thought is: "creative flow"

mimi: simple writing exercises "can provide many of us with vivid inspiration & enlightenment". stream of consciousness writing, whether done on the back of a napkin or in a fancy journal, can "anchor us deeply within ourselves while unleashing our creative energy to sail into all aspects of our lives".

me: it is funny that this week's topic is writing/journaling, as i have just gotten back into that myself. :)

for the past few months, orin's interest in writing had been waning...he was tired of writing a summary & drawing an illustration for the various stories that we read. however, he needs the writing practice & the stories from our curriculum were chosen to follow his own inner development. so, i decided that may 1st we would compromise & begin journaling together.
he was a little hesitant at first, not sure how to begin or what to write about. after a week of a gentle nudge here & a simple prompt there, he has really taken to it.

do we adults not do the very same thing?? -- what is it about a blank page that causes us to feel intimidated, even vulnerable??

mimi: by "opening our creative channel, many gentle but powerful changes unfold. our parenting selves, our working selves, our spiritual selves are richer as a result. according to a recent study from the american medical association, even our physical selves are healthier when we write."

i can already tell a difference in my own life...

having the freedom to say whatever we think/feel; being able to share of ourselves without fear of feels, well, good!

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