well, in my defense it is nearing spring! that means garden on the brain & planning/organizing our spring (homeschool) co-op session, along with both running a home & an etsy shop...
busy bees...but then who isn't, really??
@ any rate here on some of the lovelies that i've been working on lately...(as in the past 2-3 weeks!;)
(inspired by a gratitude soap i am making for a lovely lady whom i have never acutally met, but has nonetheless been a blessing in our lives)
super cool, fun & practical to boot...!
we'll be using ours both in the garden & beyond (soccer games, when headed to the park, bike rides, walks, etc...the list is endless.)
"oceans & seas"...a super cute basketweave headband for another bits of goodness swap, this one was a specialty swap (aka one-on-one w/another mama) she asked me to knit a couple of headbands for her daughter, who is 6 years old & LOVES green.
& she'll be making evyn a couple of twirly skirts...gotta love that!
i did add a couple of inches onto the pattern (so 15" long vs 12"), as it was originally sized to fit a toddler.
we had a little spat before he left for work, as most couples do on occasion. ours have actually become amazingly few & far between.
@ any rate he works LONG/odd hours & sometimes i just want him here with us. (is that so wrong??)
i know, "things are as they should be", but that doesn't mean we have to like it...

"green with envy", more fingerless mitts...

these are a gratitude gift for our kith & kin leader, miss rosie. she is an amazing life force in our community & always welcomes the children with open arms, no matter how long between visits. we LOVE her!!
actually, our nephew's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks, i think i'll make him a pair in red/orange...
happy creative friday to one & all!!