first up...sweet pilot hats for the doll babies...:)
this one is knit from a cotton/rayon blend yarn, sized for a 16" waldorf (or similar) doll...
a felicity for a dear friend, one whom i have actually never met outside of facebook or various waldorf chat groups, but a dear friend just the same...
she is an amazing mama to 4, soon to be 5, young ones. (shhh...it is for her birthday ;)
knit with plymouth's kudo yarn, #40...a delicious colorway i call rainbow sherbert...
a hat, scarf & mitt set to match this one, but for the mama's birthday...
the hat is a 'rib-a-roni', the scarf is another 'ocean park'...
and the mitts are yet another pair of the 'easy fingerless mitts'...

made to order for our etsy shop...;)
i made this one for my second, "pay it forward" project...
a friend's 2 year old nephew, named riley...
we also got a few crowns made last week. this one was sammi's first, for a child's 5th birthday...
and what lovelies have you all been crafting?? xoxo